Non Sticky Hands Pizza Dough

My sister asked me for my pizza dough recipe a few days ago ….

We’re hoping to christen Jon’s pizza oven later this week (although not if the weather keeps up like this). I wonder if you might be able to jot down your pizza dough recipe for me, please?

So far, so good. But then she became quite specific ……

Please don’t just reply with “oh I don’t know, it’s different each time…a hand of this then say the magic word” …..!!!!

Uh oh.

I don’t use any magic words, but I don’t use any weights or measurements either. I just aim for a certain amount of stickiness. And that’s hardly a winning formula!

Perhaps the main selling point of my ‘recipe’ is that it doesn’t use any sophisticated mixing equipment and is entirely sticky-hands free.


I leave the dough to rise in an upside-down, draught-free, cake-carrying box until the gluten has developed and it has a soft, velvety texture with lots of stretchy bubbles (the magical part of having added as much water as possible to the dough).

Eh voilà.

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I hope that helps, Little Sis’ …?!

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  1. Lucy

     /  April 1, 2016

    Marvellous! Just a couple of queries: how long to leave the dough and how many average size pizzas does it make?
    A bit worried that we don’t have an enormous box to let it grow in! Maybe we’ll start with half the amount and see how we go… Xxx

    • I generally leave the dough for a couple of hours or so …. depending on how many ballet classes I have to sit through before making it home in the evening! I made about 4 average size pizzas and about 20 dough balls with the dough I made this time. It didn’t reach anywhere near the lid of the cake box when it was rising, so you won’t need a humongous box to put it in. You could always split the dough between two containers for rising, if that’s easier ……
      Good luck and hope the weather holds (we’ve had sun this morning here in Devon, but it seems to be clouding over now ….. will keep my fingers crossed for you!) xxx


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